Axolute line finishes


Axolute represent the perfect blend between design excellence and aestethic choice, meeting different worlds and needs allows an almost infinite range of projects. Axolute is the best choice for all the high profile environments. Thanks to all its different finishes Axolute can meet different taste and projects.


Axolute catalog

New Air at Home catalog

Axolute brochure (PDF)


New Axial Button, Video

Axolute Design Center


home-Nighter-Whice-210x130 Axolute Whice is the iconic symbol of the new style that find is maximum expression through discretion and the leading role of the white glass. The purity of the glass surfaces, the communicative strength of the LEDs and the touch screen technology are the distinctive elements of both Whice and Nighter.


White Switches have a glossy white surface and opalescent lens and are embedded in white cover plates where even the internal chrome frame disappear for obtaining the total white effect. The Corian version, with its smooth surface, creates a complete harmony.


swarovski-superpose Special Edition with Swarovski - Axolute present two new finishes created with Swarovski Elements, following a project that mix affordable luxury and craftmanship. Founding the collaboration between Swarovski and BTicino there's the willingness of trying new aesthetic path together with Swarovski's tradition of perfection and technology innovation.